Starting January 15, every preschool child at Cornerstone will have the opportunity to celebrate their birthday with their classmates!
As a Birthday Buddy volunteer, you will show Cornerstone children how special they are during their birthday month by creating a “Birthday Party in a Box” for a classroom celebration! You will purchase or provide the following birthday-themed items for our teachers to host a party for approximately 20 children:
- Classroom party decor, such as 20 party hats and 2 table cloths.
- A commercially prepared nut-free snack, such as mini cupcakes or twinkies.
- Individually packaged kid-friendly drinks, such as juice boxes or infused water boxes.
- A fun (but also quick and prep free) activity, such as Pin the Tail on the Donkey, individualized Make-A-Face sticker sheets, or coloring pages.
The Birthday Buddies program repeats once a month, in order to celebrate all the children who have birthdays within each month. Birthday Buddies are a huge help to our teachers and staff in making these monthly celebrations happen!
- Potential Birthday Buddy reaches out to Cornerstone and is matched to a month and a classroom.
- Birthday Buddies email us the list of items they’d like to include.
- Cornerstone approves the list.
- Birthday Buddies deliver the items to Cornerstone.
- Teachers host the party and Cornerstone shares photos and thanks from the classroom with the Birthday Buddy.
Questions, concerns or ideas about the Birthday Buddies program? Want to learn more about becoming a Birthday Buddy yourself? Email